
Monday, March 05, 2007

NZ tourism campaign aims to make Aussies welcome.

NZ tourism campaign aims to make Aussies welcome. : "The autumn campaign suggests Kiwis lay off the cricket and rugby jokes and make their visitors feel at home."

I have been to NZ several times and I have felt very welcome right from the moement I have stepped on the plane to Christchurch. Just the plane trip and airport make you feel welcome and even when you are leaving the New Zealanders touch your heart in an honest kind of way which is why I have been back. They like to make you feel welcome. They like to let you know about their country but they do not push anything onto you. I have found them to be just so open and honest and I have enjoyed all my conversations in NZ. Doesn't matter what they have spoken about and the good thing is they can take what they give out so there is a lot of fun to be had in conversations. Whether I have been a guest in a hotel or a visitor to a home I have been made to feel valued and important. The air is fresh, the views are superb and the food is delicious. They discuss social issues a lot more and they take an interest in what you have to say. They are modest about their accomplishments but artistically it's a country which is quite inspiring. They share their skills and knowledge readily and I have been given some great tips for my arthritis while I have been there. I have been made so welcome and come home feeling great. I do not know what more they could do!

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