Howard rejects South Australia water plan : "SA Premier Mike Rann yesterday became the first state leader to reject the plan, proposing an alternative model in which the Murray-Darling would be managed by a more powerful, independent body of experts to replace the Murray-Darling Basin Commission."
The Rann Government has shown a good understanding of our environmental issues. He has shown some good initiative with energy and the environment. So who can mediate and help him and Mr. Howard come to an agreement? It's not as if the two of them cannot talk. I just think they need someone to mediate because , quite frankly, Mr. Rann has taken a personal pride in developing successful strategies for us in terms of conservation and energy management and I can understand his reluctance to hand over something as big as the Murray-Darling. I think it unbelievable Mr. Howard will not discuss this with Mr. Rann. It's not as if Mr. Rann is some dumb hothead who has made a complete mess of anything. In truth, our MPs in SA are all very committed to what they do and say and don't just do things willy nilly. I actually like the way all MPs interact here, particularly on environmental and energy issues, and are capable of articulating ideas and problems without putting anyone else down. For the most part it's pretty well reasoned material we hear and objections to anything are often well founded and properly discussed...because we all care about our State.
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