
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Healthy food a hard sell for school canteens

Healthy food a hard sell for school canteens : "A study backed by the Australian Research Council has found that many canteens could be forced to close unless federal and state governments provide extra funding to help carry through healthy eating guidelines."

Yes, indeed. For a clever country we cannot feed ourselves and we have a hissy fit because people want us to eat properly. Real food is not a preferred option. How bright are we? If kids are eating the wrong things it is because they are bombarded with the nonsensical alternatives. Virtual reality.This comes back to family values and preferences and then teaching people to be discerning eaters....and to have brains! Why would you put trash in your body and if you prefer front of palate over refinement then , truly, you have lost touch with real food. There was a time we all ate properly. There can be change to eating properly again. It depends whether people are prepared to eat food rather than stuff. If nutrition is not a viable option what does that say about us and if children are making the choice to eat rubbish why are we listening to them and who is backing them? Garbage in , garbage out and this is just so unbelievable. So stupid. Just so stupid.

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