
Sunday, February 25, 2007

Cheney absolutely clear about Labor's Iraq policy: Rudd.

Cheney absolutely clear about Labor's Iraq policy: Rudd. : "During his visit, Mr Cheney said if Australia withdrew combat troops from Iraq he would be disappointed, but it would not damage the alliance."

I should hope not. We have worked with the Americans on different things for years. We have worked with other countries too. Friendships respect the integrity of the other. We have to be able to make our own decisions that we believe to be right or it is not a friendship. We have to be able to speak our minds or it is not a friendship. No one who tells me what to think and how to behave is my friend, and yes, I will stand alongside them and be loyal to them. That is my decision, though, and when I cannot do that I say. We are not a big country in terms of numbers and money and there is unrest in the South Pacific. We have to be able to look after ourselves and our area.

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