Tradespeople wanted in Antarctica. : "'What we can offer when they're sick of the heat is a little bit of ice to work on.'"
Tired of the heat? Wanna play snowballs and build snowmen? I guess people do not apply for Antarctica because you always have the idea you have to be a super whizz and it is for the elite and very skilled people. That you are more or less invited there to work because it is such a prestigious position. If you are a trades person, Antarctica wouldn't come to mind. You think science , exploration, biodiversity when you think of Antarctica. So, get marketing. Tell us why we need to be there, what it's like, what we would gain and what the contracts are. Change our mindset and yes, maybe we'll consider it alongside the mining as a change. How remote is it? How hard will it be to be in contact with our friends and family? How isolated will we be? Who is in charge and how does the lifestyle work? Maybe we are yearning for something different, but what does that mean?
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