Mental arithmetic to combat too much TV : "A daily dose of mental arithmetic has been placed on the curriculum for French children under a government scheme to sharpen young minds dulled by television."
I remember that and my daughter did it too. Mental tests were exactly that! Mental!!! I did it for the last 4 years of primary school and all through my junior secondary years. It was one of those things we loved to hate. It was a big adrenalin rush every morning trying to get the answers and then there was the tallying and looking whether it was better or worse than the day before. It was a really bonding experience because we always felt sorry for those who stuffed up and we would really encourage them and we were so proud of those who did well. It wasn't just about mental was about excitement, panic, cameraderie. I didn't become a great maths student but I did become very good at mental arithmetic so that carried me through until it all became too hard for my numerically oppressed brain. I have no fondness for maths but seeing this reminds me of the fun and horror of mental arithmetic every morning. I started to like it because there was an edge to it and it was a short burst of intensity. Most lessons are fairly even so short bursts which get you hyped up and create a real atmosphere are good.
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