
Thursday, January 18, 2007

AWB salary payouts criticised

AdelaideNow... AWB salary payouts criticised: "The sum included almost $1 million paid to former chief financial officer Paul Ingleby - the man who claimed as a tax deduction the $290 million in illicit payments AWB made to Baghdad under the UN's corruption-plagued oil-for-food program."

There is no alternate moral universe here as the article claims. There are no morals. This is not the first time executives and CEOs of organisations which have committed dastardly deeds have reaped handsomely from doing the wrong thing. So who cares? Who's going to do anything about it? Whatever. Never mind, that was so bad. We do not set things straight and we just go along with it. So who pays? The wheat farmers. The people in Iraq. The other people who have worked for the wheat board. Us. We have AWB in our country and it's stuffed up our wheat trade. AWB has to explain these payouts to its shareholders. So? What will happen then? Nothing. These men are allowed to get away with it and this is the real damage the AWB story has done to us. We now know this is how our country operates. Great message for us and the kids growing up.

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