
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Cheesepodder and photolurkers be warned

Cheesepodder and photolurkers be warned: we're on to you - Technology:

"CRACKBERRY: 'The curse of the modern executive: not being able to stop checking your BlackBerry, even at your grandmother's funeral.'"

I can see we are going to have a whole new world of words spawned since our connectivity is making us egocentric, self serving , self interested and as nosey as!! It can be seen in other people (never me) that they can turn into one of these delightful terms. The crackberry would exist here except you can never find a Blackberry and I wish you could...they are the very thing for me!! Our equivalent would have to be a Dilberry...someone who can't stop dialling on their mobile while you are sitting there. Then there are the textnuts and the photohusseys who just strike a pose as soon as the camera comes out. Some girls have it down to a fine art here and can strike a cute pose immediately...the younger boys are catching up fast. It drives me nuts when people have to keep getting on their mobile or you get the dreaded polyphonic tone invading your space. On Christmas Eve the culprit was an 82 year old Grannie who just couldn't stay off her mobile and the ring tone piped over the whole evening. We actually found it funny. She was sitting there as cute as you please in her lovely home knitted cardigan, the disarming smile and the checked wool blanket on her knees...and then the mobile started ringing and ringing and ringing...what a groovy Grannie!! She just laughed at us. "It pays to keep in touch these days."

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