
Friday, November 10, 2006

Tech trash piling up, says report

Tech trash piling up, says report:

"Australians generated 32.4 million tonnes of waste in 2002-03, an increase of 9.7 million tonnes on 1996-97 figures."

The tech trash has made people a whole heap of money, though, and isn't that what it's all about? The fast buck and bugger the consequences. We are not able to recycle easily and we are forced to update and change so that constant obsolescence feeds the bank balance of one company or another. We also worked out today that since we have had computers we have been driven. Before we would spend a whole afternoon addressing 240 letters. No we have to do goodness knows what because we have computers and it looks like it won't take long. Computers are deceiving. They use heaps of paper, burn electricity, drive us nuts...and the network is always lumpy and it's always easier to get stuff done at home than it is at work so we work longer hours. So who's the fool? The recycling has to improve. Driving to a depot is silly. It is too long and too inconvenient. At least when we recycle other things the depots are handy...or we can opt out and put out a recycling bin for the council to collect.

Would I give up my computer at home? No.

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