
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bush administration face climate lawsuit

Bush administration face climate lawsuit :

"The law suit seeks to compel the US Climate Change Science Program to issue the national assessment, which should contain the most recent scientific data on global warming and projections for its future impacts."

Maybe that'll happen here. It's pretty sad when you have to take legal action against a government when they are the government and are supposed to be elected leaders. It's the same here. The ho-hum approach is not a plan. The we don't need to, is not a plan. Everyone, but everyone knows there is a problem with the climate. It is so bloomin' obvious . For governments to say they'll think about this and think about that is simply not good enough. We elected them to lead us...not to snub us. The who world is concerned. The whole world is trying to take action. The whole world wants something done. But when governments fiddle faddle and dilly dally on a very serious issue, you do wonder. If taking them to court makes them give us a plan...and I want a proper plan. I want something that tells me we are dealing with climate change in a serious way. If we made the mess, we can fix it. We can't fix it while they prevaricate and doddle around.

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