
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Singing in the shower a 'waste of money'.

Singing in the shower a 'waste of money'. :

"Anthony O'Brien from Energy Australia says that is time taken up doing activities such as shaving, playing with toys, singing, daydreaming and brushing teeth."

BUGGA!!! No playing with toys in the shower. Bum, piddle , wee, poo, pops. Bugga! Can't play with the toys in the bath - uses too much water. Why is the NSW government sending out 500,000 shower timers to people? How much does that cost? Can't people get their own timers? Then they can put the govt money towards new desalination plants to use up the water from the oceans which are drowning nations. We can get our own timers and it's a good idea. So what sort of timers do we get? Come on..organise us and use your money for the big water saving picture!!

There are some great rubber ducks at Gifted NSW. You'll just have to play with them in the toilet!!

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