
Sunday, October 29, 2006

School formals drugs warning

AdelaideNow... School formals drugs warning:

"The company also subjects students to metal detectors, mandatory breath tests for alcohol, bag searches and electronic ticket validation."

This is for formals in NSW schools, but it is being discussed here and the article says we do not believe we need it. The security does simply that...secures people. We seem to be in an age where we are reluctant to tell children. Reluctant to stop them from harming themselves and others. So then we reach a point where they make dangerous and damaging decisions and then we are sorry. If the security measures give students a sense of safety and their parents some peace of mind, then it's a good thing. There are kids who are quite out of control because they have no boundaries and they are then able to become very destructive and we foot the bills in one way or another. I hope we are looking at this realistically in SA. I should have thought parents and school could make the decisions. Beefing up security in no way implies that the school is tough and the kids are out of control. It is merely a matter of sending a strong message to those who would use formals to their own ends instead of the community purpose.

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