
Thursday, October 19, 2006

France tops tourist destinations despite frosty welcome.

France tops tourist destinations despite frosty welcome. :

"Ms Du Cluzeau also says the French refuse to speak foreign languages to tourists, even when they were capable of doing so."

French speaking people are really nice and friendly if you speak French with them. Even people who are bad at French get a good response. They always forget to mention that in France people speak French. When people come here we make no allowances if they speak no English. We expect people to speak English here. People need to ring up France in advance to tell them they are coming so they switch over to their language. I cannot believe how people avoid speaking French to the French. It's their country. You make an effort to speak their language. I cannot stand the notion that other people can change in their own country to fit the needs of you , the tourist. And truly , if you visit a country and you don't speak the language, you really aren't visiting the country. You are missing the people. You are missing the best places to eat. You are huddled in some place where you are okay but you aren't living. Talk to the French speakers in French. You'll see the difference because French people are really polite and considerate and will really help you if you ask or just talk. People I know just do the best they can with their French and the resultant effect is great. Like we do here. If people try their English, we really help them along. If France were so awful people wouldn't go there. Allez-y!!

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