
Friday, June 30, 2006

Truckloads delivered to MPs

Truckloads delivered to MPs :

"'Some people had the view that anything goes - and lots of things went.'"

I guess you can't trust anyone. This whole story is outrageous. Politicians are in a position of trust and, yes, it would be so easy to misappropriate things...and here they are accusing others of being dishonest. These things are really vaulable. I am amazed they think they cannot recover them. Is there not a stock list of what is purchased? Don't parliaments have to account for their spending and do they not keep a record of purchases?
It is amazing how certain people can just be so unaccountable for what they do and others are shamed, humiliated and and publicly punished. I guess you have to know how to lie properly. What a great example for us all.

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