
Sunday, June 25, 2006

OK, I'll take the bus & train, says Conlon

The Advertiser: OK, I'll take the bus & train, says Conlon :

"Mr Conlon has vowed he will accept last week's Sunday Mail challenge to swap his chauffeur-driven car and join the thousands of commuters who each day rely on the city's public transport to get them to work."

That is remarkably daring of him. Overseas, politicians do take the trains and buses of their cities. Adelaide has come unglued with the public transport because of the number of changes on roads and then the shift to public transport away from cars. Mr. Conlon needs to remember that he still has his chauffeur driven car to fall back on and that his is a short term taste of public transport. Our transport is normally quite good but it is clear from talking to regular users that the shine has dropped off. It will be hard on the bus drivers who are in the line of fire. A team of people should be checking the system and the problems. The Adelaide Metro site is obviously getting feedback but don't seem to be responding. Maybe some of these problems are out of their control. This is where we need to investigate it properly and arrive at sensible decisions. People do not just complain when it comes to public transport. To suggest there isn't really a problem is not the way to solve it. But I think it's good that Mr. Conlon is going to get out there himself and have a look.

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