
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Exodus to private primary schools

Exodus to private primary schools:

"The new figures, contained in the Education Department's annual report, show a marked swing away from public schools, with one in three South Australian primary aged children now in private schools."

10 years ago a quarter of the state's children were in private primary schools. Last year the state schools were down 1200 and the private primary schools were up 1000 in their enrolments. So what has happened to the other 200 children? What do parents find in private schools? Better opportunities? Why is that? Smaller classes. Yes, I can imagine that is the case. Are we shifting the state over to private education facilities so that we now pay for education as well? I'm curious to know about what is motivating the shift. I know one lot of parents who shifted their kids and it was because the private school made the students do what it said it was going to make them do. What happened to kids taking responsibility? Very interesting.

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