
Sunday, June 04, 2006

Drug 'slows cancer growth'

Drug 'slows cancer growth' :

"The study results, presented at an international cancer conference in the US, found that the drug Tykerb combined with the chemotherapy drug Xeloda slowed the progression of the metastatic breast cancer known as HER2+."

Some forms of breast cancer are extremely aggressive and so anything which slows it down gives the woman's body a chance to recuperate and recover and perhaps find its own immunity. It also gives researchers more time to find the ultimate cure, which they will one day. One day there will be a tablet or an injection and the scourge of breast cancer will be no more. One of the good benefits of this treatment is that it can reduce the risk of the cancer spreading to the brain. The more we have avalable to fight this disgusting disease the better and I thank researchers for their constant capacity to come up with more and better treatments.

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