
Monday, May 15, 2006

Australia in grip of diabetes epidemic

Australia in grip of diabetes epidemic: study. :

"Researchers say Australia is suffering from a diabetes epidemic, with 100,000 new cases every year.

A new study has also found the illness is caused by lifestyle factors like obesity and poor diet, and is costing taxpayers $3 billion every year."

Overweight is often caused by stress, distress and feelings of inadequacy. If it's coming in younger people then our clever country is failing to be clever again. The haves have got it all...and too much of it. Way too much. When you have everything you are not motivated to go out foraging, nor do you feel the need. It's all there and you deserve it. Over eating is misery and overweight is triple misery. We have a nation of very miserable people . So, while we have it all, why are we so miserable? It is our lifestyle. You have to keep doing, doing , doing and you have to keep going, going, going. Fit and healthy people have time to eat, drink, be merry, act, react, cook, short...they have a life. At the moment our lives are dominated by long work hours and interminable sitting on one chair or another and this belief we have to work massive days and all the time. Overeating is how people insulate themselves against unpleasant onslaughts. It's very slow suicide and our smug leaders need to realise their people have been getting fatter and fatter since we have been so called prospering. You may have been. We are not.

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