
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Details will clear up smart card concerns

Details will clear up smart card concerns :

"'I think when people start to see the details of this, when they get across the legislation if it's necessary then it'll be clear that this is just another step forward.'"

That's nice. A step forward where exactly? A step forward can go anywhere. Apart form the fact anyone who wishes to discuss the ramifications of the new smart card is being patronised and/or labelled as a "civil libertarian" the dogmatic approach by some politicians tends to suggest here is something to dicuss. Dogmatism only comes about when there is an inadequate capacity to discuss matters in an intelligent fashion. Those without arguments or foundation resort to patronising, sarcasm, name calling and hide behind a bullying approach. Stupid people. How dare we have the gall to want to know what this smart card means. We've read about phishing and identity theft and how much easier it is when the information is centrally located..and if the computers go down? If the systems stuff up? Where are we then with our smart card. The name itself tends to suggest it'll be the antithesis of what it is touted to be. Our Medicare card has worked well. Our bank cards have had varying degrees of success. Driver's licences? Can they be forged? You see, we want to know. We are not stupid so there is no point in telling us we are stupid. That is not the way to treat people.Especially your long suffering public. It is a very silly approach from government ministers and one which you'd correct your own child over. We can be as concerned as we like. We are us and we are allowed to have concerns. Honestly!

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