
Friday, April 28, 2006

Biggest winner set for surgery

Herald Sun: Biggest winner set for surgery :

"Sarnelli will put his cheque towards buying his first home.

'I've had enough of renting. We are looking to buy our first home,' he said.

He also plans to open a weight-loss and health centre, called The New Me.

Together, the contestants lost 526.6kg."

Yes, people forget that when you have stretched your skin your whole life, not all of it can be exercised back into shape. Adro is only 26 but now he can take the new him through the rest of his life. I was thinking he would have to get another place to live because he wouldn't be able to fit his new fitness studio into he rented unit...and that he'd have to buy. How could you put a fitness studio into a rented place? In lots of ways this is costing him a lot of money to relaunch himself, but because he is so focussed and because he actually cares about other people and can get through to them, then a risk like this is worth it. I read on a forum and on a blog that they are going to have a second child. Boy, when Adro transmogifies he does not muck about!!

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