
Saturday, March 11, 2006

UK mission to save tourism ads.

UK mission to save tourism ads. :

"She also hopes to meet with the British Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre, which has banned the section of the ad featuring the word 'bloody' from being screened on television.

'It's very hard to understand I think why the regulator would reach such a decision,' Ms Bailey said."

I hope Fran Bailey has a successful mission because broadcast censorship is weird to say the least. Not just in Britain. We have laws about what can and can't be shown but Big Brother goes over the line every time and nothing happens. We have quite a few shows from Britain and the language and content can quite take you by surprise even though the overall effect can be good. Ally G really pushes it and some people just can't take it and others can take some. Little Britain is another show where some people roar with laughter and can't get enough and others can't take the images and language. Shameless, which is a wonderful social comment show with a lot of depth has lost viewers because it can be too normal and too close to the bone. We have reeled off a heap of British shows we all like but we have all commented on the language and the content. Even Teachers can really push the boundaries at times...and Coupling is brilliant but pushes the language barriers. So we are all wondering how our ad, even though we were a bit embarrassed by it at first can be censored? We understand it and we think it's a bit 50s/60s language wide, but it's not offensive and doesn't push anyone's boundaries. Hopefully it's all sorted out because the ad campaign is well meant.

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