
Friday, March 10, 2006


The Advertiser: INTERNET :

"Report figures showed that per head of population, Australia's broadband internet speed was just over one megabits per second, significantly down on Britain (13 mbps), France (8.4 mbps), Germany (6.85 mbps) Canada (6.8 mbps) and the U.S. (3.3 mbps), but was similar to Japan."

What was it...never mind the quality feel the width? Well, it's the cost more than the speed. It's a pretty solid expense and the speed seems to vary from network to network...which might mean we are not good at networking. A number of us are questioning the value of the Net given the bugs, interference, outages, flatbumming , material available. It has been the subject of some pretty close scrutiny in our lifestyles. The spam, stuff ups, this and that it's been something which has become less and less desirable even though we all like it. It's always a matter of whaether it's owrth it. I am noticing a shifting change in priorities because we are tired of what technology is not doing for us...and the amount of paper it generates!!I am not sure if there are any current figures on uptake and usage but my instinct is it would be down.

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