
Sunday, March 12, 2006

MPs 'failed' to declare AWB shares

MPs 'failed' to declare AWB shares :

"SIX senior coalition MPs, including four serving or former ministers, held AWB shares or investments but failed to declare them to parliament, the Nine Network has said.
Foreign Minister Alexander Downer is among the politicians the Nine Network's Sunday program said had failed to declare their AWB shares to parliament's pecuniary interest register."

I am still not listening and shall wait for the Cole Inquiry to make its findings...but one, our journalists are turning up some interesting information and two, this AWB story really seems to be about who is in the group and their personal benefit from the situation in Iraq. I haven't made a decision yet because we do not have all the information, but paying big dollars for trade contracts seems so odd. I would have thought someone would say something. Maybe getting shares is a reason not to, if they got the shares? Why all this money? Why do people fall for money? Makes certain groups in the world look pretty bad. Anyone can be bought. Okay, so I have an airy -fairy approach to life, but I think we need to give ourselves a damn good shaking up and get back to things like the common good and honesty and...what else has gone out the window while the dollars have been rattling? Ah, integrity. I am so glad Mr. Howard has had the sense to keep the commission going. We really need to unravel this and understand the motivations.

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