
Thursday, March 10, 2005

PM accuses ALP of being trade snobs

The Australian: PM accuses ALP of being trade snobs [March 10, 2005]

I love the level of debate. Have these people had university educations? Honestly. We are not short of retail workers. No to my knowledge. We are becoming short of skills areas and trainee money needs to go to a variety of skills bases to encourage employers to train new staff. Many young kids start at Hungry Jacks or McDonalds at year 9 or 10 and then move on to other retail areas. At 14 and 15 I question the need for these students to be working late and long hours when they are in compulsory school here until 16. It does teach many kids about responsibility but it also teaches them about materialism. We need training money for carpenters, agricultural workers, welders...maybe they will give us a list. It's not about insulting the fast food industry nor about snobbery. It's to do with providing a variety of training places. But if you were a grown up , you'd know that. Interestingly enough, fast food outlets overseas are often serviced by older workers. Over here, the kids have the work that older unskilled people could have to feed themselves and their families. The kids could then be studying. Now, what a novel thought that is. Quiet streets...less graffiti...ooooooh. Shhh!

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