
Friday, February 10, 2006

Hospital reports skin cancer increase.

Hospital reports skin cancer increase. :

"The head of plastic surgery at the hospital, Associate Professor Frank Kimble, says there has been an alarming rise in rates of non-melanoma skin cancer."

Something has certainly been going on. We are all noticing our plastic washing line pegs turning very brittle and crumbling and that has to be UV. New pegs last no time at all. Some plants are turning to paper on a sunny day. Completely bleached. And people are burning , sun protection or not. Some people do the slip, slop slap but can no longer stay in the sun without being burnt. So, it doesn't surprise me skin cancer is on the increase. The only answer is to stay inside when the sun is out and it's warm (not even hot). The UV rays must be very potent this year.

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