
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

High speed chases

Drivers in high-speed chases may be jailed. :

"Drivers involved in high-speed police chases would be jailed for up to five years under new legislation proposed by the South Australian Government."

We'll see if raising the pain level works. I had an interesting drive to work. I left 5 mins later than usual and I tell you, I won't be doing that tomorrow. I was doing the 100K speed limit and there were quite a few cars on the road and suddenly a white van sped past us all on the hard he was undertaking rather than overtaking and continued in excess of the speed limit for the rest of the time I could see him. At the same time a P plater in a red car was speeding past me to over take me but tailgating the car in front of him to push it quite a bit over the speed limit. At one stage we all had to brake and I guess were lucky we had kept our heads, our wyes on the road and our reasoning intact. Defensive driving avoided any repercussions from those two, but it was not fun. Adelaide used to be a pleasant drive!!

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