
Sunday, February 05, 2006

Glenn McGrath

We will defeat this together :

"'This is the third time this has happened, but Jane is a real fighter and we will get through this together,' McGrath told The Sunday Telegraph."

Glenn McGrath is a fantastic fast bowler but he is also a great husband. He took some cruel jibes when his wife was suffering from breast cancer, but, like the positive person he is, he went and stood by her side and ignored the negative stuff. She has beaten breast cancer and then hip cancer, but now she has secondary cancer again. He is with her to fight the good fight again. The sooner we stop breast cancer the better. We are starting to unlock it. Some people just can't seem to shake it and other get over it relatively quickly. All I can say is a friend of mine had breast cancer and then this and then that...and now, thank heavens, she has passed her 5 year milestone.If you don't get breast cancer in the first place, then your chance of getting other cancers is probably reduced. So I wish the McGraths all the best vibes and wishes in the world. It has put this scourge into the limelight again. We cannot afford to forget it. Research is everything.

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