
Saturday, January 07, 2006

Pets lose battle of bulge

Pets lose battle of bulge :

"A survey of British vets and owners showed that one in three pets, or 33 per cent, were considered overweight and 38 per cent of pet owners said their animals put on weight over Christmas."

Pets are very dependent and need to be looked after. Over feeding is not kind. Pets can become very sick when they are over weight. My pets have been lucky in that they have been good eaters without weight gain and I find ways and means to keep them active. Probably because I am not a big sitter myself. I have learned from my pets to relax! I had a labarador cross whose woeght was very difficult to maintain. He ate less than my other dogs but used to to put on woeght very easily. I used to bulk out his food with bits of lettuce and grated carrot sometimes. Compared with how I feed and have fed my other pets I felt very mean not being able to give him much to eat, but it's not nice watching dogs and cats too fat to move properly and with coat and skin conditions because they can't get their systems to feel healthy. I love a healthy pet. Perhaps vets need to come out with some tips on how to fuss over your pets without giving them extra food.

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