
Sunday, January 01, 2006

Anti-poverty campaign was 'a big step'.

Anti-poverty campaign was 'a big step'.:

"The lead singer of U2, Bono, who played a leading role in the campaign, says although he is unhappy about the lack of progress on liberalising world trade, there have been some positive developments."

Officially, the Make Poverty History Campaign ends today , a year after it was launched. Seems a bit odd. It has to be a stance we adopt until we do end poverty. Wouldn't it be nice if we could do that this year instead of just talking about it? The Gleneagles meeting came up with a number of resolutions and pledges which all need to be put into place. The world trade talks have been going on and need to continue. World trade issues will not be easily resolved because it is about money...but how much money do you actually need? This year I want to see people eating. I want pictures of people doing well. I want to know that we have got vaccines to places where children are dying of diseases we can immunise against. Action brings change.

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