
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Australians change Hong Kong smuggling pleas.

Australians change Hong Kong smuggling pleas. :

"Hutchinson Tran, an unemployed 21-year-old, and Chris Ha Vo, a 15-year-old waiter, both reversed an earlier plea of not guilty.

The third accused, 17-year-old hairstylist Rachel Ann Diaz, has maintained her innocence."

15, 17 and 21 years old. Smuggling heroin. What is wrong with these young people and WHO is behind it? Who gets kids to do the dirty work and how? These kids are really being sucked in. We can criticise the young for having such a cavalier attitude, but somehow you feel they are between the devil and the deep blue sea. Once lured into the drug world I don't think they can get out and the pressures brought to bear on them are probably quite are the consequences they face for being caught. The problem is how to drug proof them and then to catch those who are really making the money. The world of drugs is violent. Better for them not to be involved, but how do we do that?

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