
Thursday, November 24, 2005

When kids light up

When kids light up :

"But many other teenagers go on to develop serious mental health problems. At Orygen Youth Health, 70 per cent of teenagers who seek treatment for mental health conditions have drug issues, according to executive director Professor Patrick McGorry."

This is a long article but a very interesting and informative read and certainly an enlightening view of the sorts of porblems we are confroting because drugs are so freely available and used. It is creating a number of behavioural issues and then the more serious issues of mental health. Quite an expensive habit for us all to be carrying. It discusses the sorts of issues relating to children being introduced to drugs and then how that grows and develops into bigger and more far reaching problems with a greater impact on others. Getting the picture straight is a good way of dealing with it. Hanging it on a nail as we have means we have simply looked at the frame. Taking it off the wall and looking at it means we might actually do something about it. How we have accepted young kids on drugs is beyond me, but the article even explains that in a way I can understand. I think we need to get our perspective straight and then maybe we'll get the priorities straight.

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