
Sunday, October 16, 2005

Quake survivors fend for themselves

The Advertiser: Quake survivors fend for themselves :

"And sometimes, they are willing to go without to ensure the most vulnerable are taken care of.

Dozens of trucks, decorated in gaudy colors in typical South Asian fashion, race in each day to Muzaffarabad, handing out to anyone, anywhere the food, tents and bedding so needed in a region that has 3.3 million homeless after the massive October 8 earthquake."

What has come through on our news, and just from the pictures, not the commentary, is that the Pakistani people genuinely care about each individual and that the cameraderie and respect for one another is strong. Wha they lack in money ,they compensate for in decent human values. They were so genuinely happy to find survivors and had already set about looking for friends and relatives without the heavy equipment. They are another lot of people who have gone thorugh hell on earth, but their capacity to care and organise themselves is something we could all learn from. They seem to be very practical and unselfish. I cannot imagine how 2 million people without homes are going to live and the aid is being hampered by the weather and choppers dropping out of the air. This year people have suffered so much and all you can do is help where you can then watch these tales of human inspiration from lands unseen. At the moment , the cricketers are keeping us focussed on the situation in Pakistan. I hope the world leaders will get together at some stage and work out a way of alleviating these crisis situations. There must be something we can do as a planet, but we need world and climate people to get together and map out a strategy for the planet. The research is coming in but who is doing anything about it??

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