
Friday, October 28, 2005

Katrina Aid

Welcome to!:

"** Over 500 tons of food, water, clothing, medical supplies, baby products, feminine hygiene products, cleaning supplies, power tools, and a boat and trailer for reaching those still flooded by water have been distributed directly to those in need

** Over 10,000 aid packages have been sent by you via UPS and FedEx to our camp and distributed"

This is something Michael Moore and other American stars like John Travolta, Oprah and Michael Jordan understand. Firstly, we have been disastered outthis year so we have to see the help going in to save those poor people suffering. Secondly, when we get our backsides into gear and get our help and support going, we want to know how it is helping and that it is getting through. Sorry , but we don't want to know the helicopters crashed and the people were left stranded or the aid couldn't get through because they couldn't decide what was to go where. Michael Moore understands we need to hear the particular cases and the things we have supplied with our fund raising. Maybe it's unrealistic of us, given the scale of some of these human tragedies, but the truth is, we get lost in the frustration and depression of it all unless we can see clearly what is happening. Pouring millions into a fundraising black hole isn't going to work. We are people. We respond as people to these things. We are not giving machines, we are people who demonstrably respond to others when we are allowed to. Forget the crap, get the help in, tell us what it is and tell us what else you need. Put us in the middle of the aid not as a distant donor...and the wheat board stories are only going to make us more suspicious now.

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