
Friday, October 28, 2005

Blair courts France with closer European ties

The Australian: Blair courts France with closer European ties :

"In a notable U-turn, Mr Blair also urged EU leaders to agree to a paper at the summit, which calls for more co-ordination of tax policies. The paper, produced by the European Commission, said EU countries should align their tax policies, calling for a 'more co-ordinated approach at the EU level'."

Tony Blair used to be great mates with Jospin and the two had organised some great initiatives between France and Great Britain, who should work together because Great Britain and France have centuries of ties and hard won alliances. Their histories criss cross in a rich tapestry and they should sit down at some stage and realise this. But Blair suddenly dropped Jospin, went off with Bush and invaded Iraq and it's never been the same since. So Blair might be seen as a fair weather friend. In my opinion, he is really going to have to prove his worth and his interest in the common good rather than himself... and this is a man who was going to be such a great politician. He had so much going for him.

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