
Sunday, September 04, 2005

Rude village name

Brits driving Austrians bonkers over rude village name :

"'It may be very amusing for you British, but F---ing is simply F---ing to us. What is this big F---ing joke? It is puerile.'

Local guide Andreas Behmueller said it was only the British that had a fixation with F---ing."

It's a bit like Phuket. We all roared when people first came back with their T Shirts. Those sorts of words do amuse people no end and every language has them. I remember some people from Hong Kong going into gales of laughter when they asked me for the English word for something or other. The word was very rude in Chinese and I acn't remember what it was now. It kept them amused for ages and it took them a while to compose themselves enough to tell me why they had collapse into giggles. To have a town called F---ing may well be very serious Austrian, but it's hilarious English. They should cash in on it and amuse the British some more. They'd make a small fortune.

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