
Monday, September 05, 2005

Grey water

Recyclers risk throwing baby out with bathwater:

"'When people start putting these things together and exposing themselves and others to their untreated waste and are using substandard material that is not robust, there is the potential for disease outbreaks,' said a Health Department spokesman, Neil Shaw. 'It comes back to having proper sanitation,' he said."

I never did understand why the environmentalists wanted us to use grey wanter. I never did understand why we were starting to go down the path of recycling laundry and bathroom water. YUCK!!! When I first heard it I thought they must have seriously lost it. The whole reason we have got rid of diseases is because we flush our waste and because we use clean water to wash. Putting used bathroom and laundry water on the garden is disgusting. It is full of "suds" and then full of our dirt. YUCK!! Imagine that fermenting in the heat. It's why we are out of the mediaeval ages. You can recycle some water for clothes washing..but it still has to go into the sewer because it's full of "dirt". I am glad they have come to their senses and are starting to rethink. There have to be hygienic ways of recycling and conserving. Too much conservation will get us back to where we got out of!!

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