
Sunday, August 21, 2005

Trashy tenants want a house

The Advertiser: Trashy tenants want a house :

"'It seems to me there's no excuse for not taking a very firm line because it's unacceptable behaviour,' she said. 'And if, because of issues (like drug addiction or mental health problems) someone is not capable of looking after a place and behaving inappropriately, they don't belong in independent accommodation.'"

Of course they want a house. Having wrecked one, they will then realise they can't live in it. It is horrible living next to someone who crashes and destroys their home and lets it become a rubbish tip. It's unsettling and very depressing. It can also be unnerving and having experienced it myself and knowing others who have lived in similar circumstances, you are very much on your own and feeling very stressed with destructive neighbours. The problem is they are usually leading dysfunctional lives for one reason or another. Grouping them in areas will only exacerabate the problem since dysfunction appeals to dysfunction. We manage that kind of thing here better because we are all stable, so people who are desructive of their homes don't last long and move on. Action has to be taken. For a start there needs to be an easy way of letting people know these people are damaging houses. Secondly, there needs to be some kind of support with their dyfunctional behaviour. Thirdly, I think the age of destruction is moving on because we have become heartily sick of people without boundaries. We get what we are prepared to accept. We have changed and the younger ones coming through have some boundaries. This is not a large percentage of the overall population. Peer pressure, police pressure, government pressure can all be brought to bear. It's hard catching them if they moonlight which is often the case, which is why some sort of early detection needs to be put in place. Angry people usually have a reason to be angry. People who are destructive usually have so much anger and usually for a reason. That can be dealth with. Maybe those who cannot be controlled have to lose every thing. What then will happen? They will probably destroy the neighbourhood. Maybe they need "bash proof" housing. In Vanuatu , as a man, you cannot marry until you are able to build your own home. They build them from trees and banana leaves and they are very intricate and strong. Maybe we have to get people building their own homes. Maybe they would be less likey to destroy them. We are usually pretty good at thinking ourselves out of these destructive patterns once we look upon it as a community responsibilty.

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