
Monday, August 29, 2005

Tent Embassy

Govt in talks to remove Tent Embassy campers. :

"The Tent Embassy was set up outside Old Parliament House more than 30 years ago and Territories Minister Jim Lloyd says it is time for a change."

It's a brilliant concept...our aborigines having a tent embassy. Let's just think about it as a concept before we get all "thing". Aboigines are people of the land. They are the original inhabitants of this continent. The have a culture which is so much older than ours. So, let's think a minute and let's apply the Australian approach to this which is:
1. consultation 2.innovation 3.ingenuity operation.

The aboriginal community , our artists and town planners could probably come up with an idea which incorporates the tent city concept in 2005. The tent city represents a frame of mind. There are no walls and no closed doors. It is open. You can't get rid of it as such, but it could be revamped in keeping with aboriginal beliefs and lifestyles in the year 2005.

I was staggered how in Vanuatu a lot of the buidings had no windows but were great palces to be and meet and had a very open , inviting feel to them. The market was a very interesting open design and some of the larger meeting places were large open huts/wooden structures with wooden shutters which were "inside/outside" buildings. Seamless integration of inside and outside places. I think we could come up with something stunning. It's not too hard, it's something we are good at...venues.

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