
Thursday, July 07, 2005

Two rights

The Advertiser: You'll do it my way, Rann tells Pallaras :

"PREMIER Mike Rann has ruled out a Law Reform Commission for South Australia despite a call from the Director of Public Prosecutions, who yesterday said he feared for relations between his office and the State Government."

I don't know what is going on with these two. Certainly a lot of ruffled feathers. They hold two of the most important positions in the state and there has been what appears to be a lot of position bargaining rather than problem solving so we have a power play. Okay. Fine. At the moment I think they are both right and I am sorry to sit on the fence but I do think they are both right. The new DPP, Mr. Pallaras, seems to have some very clear ideas about his position and the requirements of his office. I was surprised to find out that SA pays the position less than other states. Well, we pay teachers less too. Doesn't make it right . Maybe there are good reasons for it. But I take Mr. Pallaras' point there as I do any one else who is doing a job and being paid less than an equivalent counter part. I also agree with Mr. Rann, than we have been very disheartened and undermined as a state because it was our perception not enough was being done to protect the general public from crime and not enough was being done to make us feel safe on the streets and in our homes. We were looking to the government to solve that for us because the penalties were not deterring people from criminal and anti social behaviour. If the law reform is going to manage that, I am for it, but I am happier now than I was before since the government has taken a heavier hand.Mr. Rann is right, we are very cynical about law reform here and have had enough of "reform" which hasn't worked. Maybe Mr. Pallaras needs to clarify his intentions in that regard. I still can't walk around here and feel safe and yet I can go to Port Vila or Noumea and I can feel quite at ease strolling around. I am fed up having to swivel my head at railway stations and in car parks. I don't have to do this in other countries. But I know it's only a few people who are the antagonistic group. I think Mr. Pallaras and Mr. Rann need to book themselves into Le Lagon resort for a week in Vanuatu. They will learn all about community, community responsibility, hauling as a team, fun, laughter . That little piece of paradise will salve their wounds. They can go out for a fish or swan around the lagoon. They will be spoiled and looked after and they will find, as they sit sipping and gazing out over that topaz lagoon, they are really on the same side. Time out, fellas.

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