
Friday, July 22, 2005

Condoleezza-Rice demands action on Darfur.

Rice demands action on Darfur.:

"One official, who asked not to be named, quoted President Beshir as trying to turn the tables on Dr Rice by contending: 'If you only disarm one side in the conflict, the result is going to be genocide.'"

Were that said directly to Dr. Rice then I'd say she had had a massive break through in the Sudan. As it stands she has done a lot of straight talking, got a very straight response and the dialogue ought to have continued from there. She said the Sudan had a credibility issue. She's right. The Sudan is also trying to haul itself out of hideous conditions and needs railroads and aircraft for necessary food and aid.What we take for granted. Dr. Rice appears to have kept her head because the country is very much in crisis and it was apparent. What is also clear is she has the capacity to talk to these people honestly and they are capable of responding honestly but not directly to her.It's a pity President Beshir had to be quoted indirectly.That's the bit of the communication line which is missing. I loved what Mr. Wilkinson said:"Diplomacy 101 says you don't rough your guests up, especially the press." Sometimes the press get in the way and maybe the protocol should have been sorted out first because you HAVE to negotiate things when going to a foreign country or receiving guests. I'd love to know what the Sudanese people here think of all of that because they arre starting to make a real name for themselves and we all love them whether they know it or not.

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