
Sunday, July 24, 2005

Cock fighting

Police bust alleged cock fighting syndicate. :

"Police and RSPCA inspectors raided a Lewiston property yesterday where they found 20 birds, a cock fighting ring and several cock spurs, that are attached to the animal's legs to inflict serious injuries during the fight."

We had this quite along time ago in Adelaide and it took quite a while to get anyone to react and deal with it. It's historically a "sport" which has thrived in different places in different centuries, but like bear baiting it was time for it to go. It is cruel. It's great the police and RSPCA have got onto it so quickly this time because even though we seem to be genetically disposed to organising ourselves diversions which involve damaging animals, it really is time to stop it and I'd be willing to hear the other side of the story but I don't understand why you would derive pleasure from hurting. We have lots of weirdo animal races like frog races but they amuse anddraw big crowds without damaging the animals.

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