
Saturday, July 23, 2005

Families who fought for 9/11 commission declare it a failure

The Raw Story | Families who fought for 9/11 commission declare it a failure:

"Lead presenters are 9/11 family members and Family Steering Committee cofounders, Monica Gabrielle, Mindy Kleinberg and Lorie Van Auken. After the FSC members' 18 months of lobbying finally forced a 9/11 investigation and the Commission's creation, they submitted hundreds of unanswered questions that Commissioner Jamie Gorelick promised would be their investigation's 'road map'. However, by these courageous widows' count, the Commission ignored approximately 70% of their concerns, and also suppressed important evidence and whistleblower testimony that challenged the official story on many fronts."

I got this via a link from BuzzFlash (linked right). If nothing else these widows of victims of the WTC disaster are showing considerable pluck. They are described as courageous.

The Family Steering Committee had formulated a list of questions they wanted answered when the commission didn't answer the questions they needed to be answered to put their minds at rest. Having been through the loss of loved ones I know it becomes all important to understand exactly how it all ended in losing them. To a certain extent you become driven because these people were so much a part of your life, so much a part of you and it helps when you know how it all happened. The tenacity and thorughness of these widows, though, is demonstrating something very characterisitic of the American people. When they want the truth, like with Watergate, Plamegate and apparently the voting anomalies for the last election, they just pursue it in a very systematic, organised fashion and they are never put off until they are satisfied they have the truth and understand exactly how everything happened. This article details the approach now and the Family Steering site details the questions.

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