
Thursday, July 21, 2005

Australian lupins

The Australian: Low-fat lupin full of beans :

"Two thousand years later, lupins are once again a source of good cheer: food scientists at Deakin University have revealed that the Australian sweet lupin can replace fat in meat, lower cholesterol, decrease blood glucose levels, improve bowel health, lower the risk of bowel cancer and taste good too."

I can remember gardens full of lupins as I grew up and then the plant seemed to fall out of favour. That is was originally a food source explains why it was so prolific. I had no idea. Deakin University has done a number of studies on our own sweet lupin and discovered and found it is a good source of protein, is low in fat, high in fibre and has even more medicinal benefits than the soy bean. We have been exporting it as animal feed and feeding it to our own cattle. Looks like we should be eating it ourselves. I am trying to imagine myself eating a plate of lupins. Hasn't worked yet. Some chef needs to bring me some taste tempting recipes!

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