
Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Crows

This guy, the Crows captain, Mark Ricciuto played his 300th game on August 18th. Currently he has some weirdo slap virus which has taken it out of him a bit. He plays a very physical game and encourages his team to do the same by never hogging the ball. The Crows had a great start to the season...a real dream team, then the wheels fell of and they have taken some hammerings and injuries. They won their match at the weekend and showed us they not only have style, they have talent and courage too. Their capacity to come back is very heart warming and their capacity to fly high in the face of adversity is inspiring. It's a real lesson to us all that perseverence and persistence pay off in the end and success is something you have to work towards. So now they are second on the AFL ladder and we are coming up to the nerve wracking end of the season. Some high powered matches are in store for all of us. I wish the Crows well. Flying through the season is one thing...dropping from a height and pulling the plane out of a spin shows real grit.

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