
Monday, June 06, 2005

Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour Disease

This is one I missed because I was committed to the tsunami aftermath at the time. It was reported on the ABC online site on Jan 22nd:

Fears devil disease will affect ecology

I can thank Collagemama (link right) for alerting me to it because she noticed it in the Dallas Morning News and mailed me. Thank heavens for the blogosphere. This site:

Disease Affecting Tasmanian Devils

gives detailed information and pictures. They believe it will not cause extinction but because the cancerous growths affect feeding and teeth and are fatal within 6 month of the lesions, then the foxes in the area will become more prevalent. It has not been found anywhere else in the world so it is important to get the research funded and successful. They encourage reporting of sightings of diseased animals to them so that they can help confine the spread of the disease. They may make a lot of noise, but Tasmanian Devils are one of a kind. It's sad to see them fall victim to the most disgusting disease on earth.

 Posted by Hello

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