
Friday, May 06, 2005

Stressed and fearful

The Australian: We're stressed and fearful :

"Ms Winter said there were signs of a cathartic change in the national mood, with Australians beginning to question the hectic chase for wealth and material goods.

Eighty-seven per cent of those interviewed reported hankering after the simpler pleasures of home and family."

Yep, this article sums it up. Most people are tired, worried , over worked and doing everything for themselves...and then being charged for it one way or another. We no longer have a comfort zone. For all the talk about getting out of your comfort zone we have found we don't have anywhere to hide. We all need a life we can manage and feel at ease with. But that's the whole point isn't it? Leaders terrifying us to death? Creating an environment where the average person lives in fear of something else going wrong. That's how we are managed. Even the planet is sick now. So, well done. We have created a world which scares the living daylights out of us. Given the leaders have been in place for quite some time now and they keep coming back ( or popping off at at an alarming rate)...I wonder how this has all come about. It's an odd world where some leaders just have this wonderful staying power and others are mere wisps of smoke on the horizon.

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