
Friday, May 27, 2005

Mayor calls for water to stay in Murray.

Mayor calls for water to stay in Murray. :

"The Mayor of Port Lincoln says the South Australian Government should leave the allocated water it has bought for the Eyre Peninsula in the River Murray."

Can't argue with that. Yes, leave the water in the river! How else will it be a river and there is no sadder site than a dry river bed. Having been deluged a time or two recently in city areas where the concrete, bitmumen,steel and glass are designed to repel water and having been in rain forests where the water is so pure and clean and everything is so lush and abundant...I am thinking we need to redesign our cities and make far better use of all the water that ends up flooding down city drains. I expect someone is working on the idea, but we need to be paying attention to these things now and making them a priority so that our resources remain plentiful.

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