
Friday, May 06, 2005

It gets worse

Child left behind in wrongful deportation: Beattie. :

"Queensland Premier Peter Beattie has revealed a woman who was wrongly deported to the Philippines left behind a child in foster care.

The woman, who was born in the Philippines but married to an Australian, was deported by the Immigration Department four years ago."

I suppose it's better out than in. I suppose now we know about it , we shall do something sensible to rectify an inexcuseable array of wrongful detention and then hideous conditions for the detainees whom we think should be detained ( for how long??). Well, some of us want them detained and the rest of us have no say in our democracy. Pot on you people. You've lost this lady and her child is still here with no mother. You think she has a mental illness and there appear to be no records of her arriving in Australia. Inquire as much as you like but this is not a system ;it's incapable now of even keeping up a semblance of masquerading as a system. Be honest with yourselves and use the brains and knowledge you have at your disposal in this country and get a proper system and not this half baked shambles..

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