
Sunday, April 10, 2005

Le danois Lego pense déménager ses briques en Chine

Après l'annonce mercredi de nouvelles pertes records, les 7 500 employés du groupe craignent la délocalisation.


This is an article from Liberation. I can't find an English one. Danish company Lego has been facing losses and is thinking of moving its business to China. It would affect 7 500 employees in Billund. Lego wants cheaper running costs. I think of two things. I know that we are quite different now from the year 1005 and that means huge changes had to occur. It's actually quite diffcult managing those changes in your daily life because familiar ground is constantly changed, rearranged ,and that is both literally and figuratively speaking. 2005 has already made some marked changes in the the physical and emotional environment and when culture is also being transformed into something you feel you haven't had time to relate yet, and you may not even want to, it is very disconcerting. Lego is something we have all grown up with and we have all been familiar with. The building blocks of our lives and a way parents and their children have developed some common bonds. Lego has also provided hours of thinking and creating for children. I guess it is being replaced by the electronic games and diversions. That is "progress". The second thing I think of is familiar companies and utilitites are moving off sure and it appears to be a global shift in manufacturing which may or may not be better suited to our new world, but it means we no longer have the usual company icons we are familar with and identify with as part of our national culture. This to me is disenfranchising people from their own ennvironments. It is not possible to "think globally and act locally" if there is nothing to do and participate in, in your local area. It all may be the part of a grander scheme of things, historically speaking, but it will make people insecure int he short term unless the wider picture is self evident.

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