
Monday, March 21, 2005

Tactless award

Today's brick bat goes to Channel Ten for showing the trailer of some tasteless comedy film about being eaten by sharks. The humour in the film is poor but to have it airing during an ad break before they did the news coverage on the young man in WA being taken by a shark at the weekend and the pain it was obviously causing his father and friends was a bit unbelievable really. His father was calm and dignified as was Nick Peterson's father here. I have no idea how these parents cope with a loss like that in front of a camera for us to share their news. That any TV station is showing a cheap comedy about people being eaten by sharks has to be totally insensitive at this point in time and the film makers must be feeling very hard hearted to make a cheap shot film like that. A documentary might have been tolerable, but a silly comedy made at the expense of real people's suffering?

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